On the same token, I know you will make the argument that how will one know it's American as you already have, and to be truthful, I won't.
You can as matter of point look at items such as watches where the movements are made in China and the balance of it might be made in the U.S. (i.e. case strap etc.) and label it made in USA.
I don't argue that point either.
But please note, I am expressing an opinion I was not the author of the article.
Yes, your Toyota and many other foreign makes are manufactured in the United States,. In some cases using more domestic components than perhaps some American branded items yet where do the profits wind up?
Over the years we have exported our electronic industry to the point that there isn't a single TV set manufactured in the U.S.
We have destroyed our Steel industry and are on a quick path of doing it to the one huge industry that is left or haven't you noticed. Haven't you seen that automotive plants are closing all around you?
3 in my area alone. Linden, Edison and Mahwah New Jersey.
I have a friend that was employed by Vistion which was an arm of the Ford motor company. He lost his job as a result of that being exported also.
I suppose we should be as complacent as we have been and sit around until we become the country whose only industry is making little paper umbrellas that we can put into our cocktail like the Japanese did in the 50's
No you can't just buy American, it's too late for that but you can sure as hell do your part to protect the little that is left.
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