that I don't have!!!!! I have 808 different Personals now and I have a LONG ways to go before I catch up with Gene!!!!

Yea, I know I will be dead and gone before that ever happened.

I thought I had more than that but when I started scanning all of them so I would have the Obverse & Reverse scans I found out that I had quite a few dups.

If anyone has any laying around and they don't mean that much to you PLEASE let me know!! I will do my Best to trade you out of them or make some kind of deal with you. Our 2 New Personals are shown below and I only had 25 of each made. I would like to trade them for Personals that I don't have. I really LOVE the Personal chips and I want to get all that I can. I haven't bugged you all in a while about these so I didn't want you all to think I had given up!

Thank you all so very much for your time and help. Take care & Have a great day, Mark