I think you are right Eric
This is not a "major" impact bill, no matter how the "liberal" media plays it. It impacts health care for a small minority that has no insurance, does nothing to those who are already on gov't insurance (Medicare/caid), and for those who already "enjoy" health insurance...the only thing I can forsee is that rates will go up, and that's not a change, so...
To be honest, the only thing I disagree with is the equality of liberals and conservatives. it's actually about 1/3 and 1/3, with another 1/3 of Americans in the "don't know" category. About half of the DKs shift from side to side depending on the issue (economic vs. social; war vs. gays, etc.). The other half of the DKs are too stupid to really know what's going on, but they still vote.
This is not the tip of the iceberg, no more than any other issue. It pays to concern yourself with what is instead of giving in to dark imaginings (and the ranting of the TV pundits).