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The Chip Board Archive 20

Re: why?
In Response To: Re: why? ()

"Why? Do people call those who they don't like "un-American""
Whether you agree or not, didn't he clearly state why he thinks Pelosi is un-american?

Not really - he actually led with "she called us un-American so she's un-American." The rest was diatribe, long on opinion and short on facts.

while claiming that the un-American called them un-American?
Didn't Nancy Pelosi, in an op-ed piece, state that the town hall meetings were un-american?

I don't remember actual words - clearly she (and many others) thought those who disrupted town hall meetings to CUT discourse, not PROMPT it, were in the wrong. Un-Democratic might have been a better choice of words, but certainly if she said "Un-American" it's no worse than calling those who opposed the Iraq was "traitors."

The guy has guts but little real info except that he knows how to use big words.
You may be right, but nothing you said shows it.

My only point was the fact that by calling someone Un-American who called someone un-American is pointless. As was much of the rest of the "gutsy" letter.

Messages In This Thread

An "Open Letter" from a guy full of guts!
Re: An "Open Letter" from a guy full of guts!
Re: why?
Re: why?
I love that poster ...
I seem to remember another letter...
Re: An "Open Letter" from a guy full of guts!
Is the USA becoming an OBAMA-NATION ? vbg

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