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The Chip Board Archive 20

Anyone Else Play With A Celeb Before?

I once knocked out Andy Bloch in a big field 7-card stud tourney at Foxwoods in about 1998. We were down to 13 -14 players, I had split Jacks and he had A-J-10. His 10 was the door card, we got it all in on 4th street (he said he thought he had a shot 'cuz he had a J, plus he was low on chips) and my hand held up. I went out a bit later. He was a low-key Foxwoods regular at the time, a very nice guy.

I played at a $600 buy-in no-limit tourney table with James Woods for a few hours, we had a conversation about a movie he starred in called "Badge of the Assassin". It is about the execution of 2 Harlem cops by the Black Panthers in the 70's. I knew several of the real-life people portrayed in the movie, (I was a cop there), and he seemd enthusiastic about the discussion. The next day, I ran onto him at a restaurant at the casino, and he took me over and introduced me to his mother! How cool was that!

Jen Harman once bummed a stick of gum off me. I was playing $20-$40 limit hold 'em, she was at a $100-$200 table and we were back-to-back. She was cute as a button.

That's about the extent of my brushes with the famous at the table.....

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I Just Played Mike Matusow in a Poker Tournament
Anyone Else Play With A Celeb Before?
I played with quite a few of...
Hey, I got the same story...
Re: Anyone Else Play With A Celeb Before?
I had the pleasure of .......
rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl
Somewhat off Subject but...
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Re: Somewhat off Subject but...
Re: Anyone Else Play With A Celeb Before?

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