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The Chip Board Archive 20

It's ok to be displeased with Benedict, but ~~~

"~~~ to come on this BBS and address every single person who voted for Obama as "deliberately" wanting to dismantle capitalism is in very poor taste."

Obama's Marxist tendencies were obvious to many who opposed him during the Presidential campaigns. Americans (including you) were warned about this prior to the election and they (and you) deliberately ignored the warnings. Now that the Marxist occupies the White House, some (like you) continue to deliberately ignore the damage he is doing to this country. That is beyond poor taste.

"I happen to listen (watch) Glenn Beck for pleasure... ...but though you have quoted him vitually in a word-for-word manner"

Why is it impossible for you to comprehend that an individual can have the opinions and reach the conclusions that I have without having them fed to me by some political pundit? I don't watch Glenn Beck - my television reception is by rabbit ears antennae - so I have no idea what he says or has said. I can see what the man in the White House has done and is trying to do. Too bad you can't or won't. Obama's state of the union address was an outright admission that he doesn't care what the people of this country want or don't want. He will shove his agenda down our collective throats and we're supposed to just sit and take it.

Messages In This Thread

Auto recalls and Congress (NCR-Political)
I never really looked
Re: I never really looked
It's ok to be displeased with Obama, but ~~~
Re: It's ok to be displeased with Obama, but ~~~
Re: It's ok to be displeased with Obama, but ~~~
Yeah, they took action
I don't have to read
Sure you do if you want to understand how ~~~
Stupid me
WE are NOT in a 2nd Great Depression. Sleep well g
Don't tell me
It's ok to be displeased with Benedict, but ~~~
Re: Auto recalls and Congress (NCR-Political)
Re: Auto recalls and Congress (NCR-Political)
Aside from Jerry
I voted for him....that's 2...
2 Down and Millions to go
grin My one and a half cents...
vbg I think that...
With no disrespect
BTW, you're the same one who came on this board ~~
Re: BTW, you're the same one who came on this boar
OBAMS' Public Service......
Re: Aside from Jerry
Re: Auto recalls and Congress (NCR-Political)
I think you are missing the point
This has been a good thread...
don't Give Up so soon....
vbg You meaning like ~~~
No, More Like
WAIT A Minute.....
There's a pair you can't beat
I bet you cant tell which one is which grin
YES WE CAN! Obama - Obanana & Obiden TRIPS!!
I'd back up Walmart any day over any Mom/Pop ~~~
Re: I'd back up Walmart any day over any Mom/Pop ~
Re: I think you are missing the point
Some corrections
Re: Some corrections
Perhaps you are right
Re: Perhaps you are right
I understand your point
Re: I understand your point

Copyright 2022 David Spragg