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The Chip Board Archive 20

Question on dealer buttons sad

From my experience most of the buttons in a dealer's tray are usually cheap buttons use to mark missed blinds, player gone, 3rd man walking, seat change, and seat reserved. I noticed that the new Pensacola Poker Room uses what looks like a manufacturer chip for the reserved button, but the standard cheap plastic buttons for the others in the dealer's tray. They only have 2 per table. I only had a few looks, but it appeared as if this RESERVED button was made by the same manufacturer that produced their house rack. Not sure of the outfit, but Greg often referred to them as "Chipco Knock Off" in his ChipGuide. Does anyone know of other casinos that use GPI or ChipCo specialty chips, as opposed to cheap plastic buttons, in the dealer's tray? I'll see if I can pocket one sometime tomorrow and post an image. Just thought it would make an unusual chip to add to the Florida collection. grin

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Question on dealer buttons sad
Re: Question on dealer buttons sad
Hope you get caught grin

Copyright 2022 David Spragg