
The Hitian disaster has been one of the worst in history. Simply because the poorest country in this hemisphere, where until the 70's had no written language, had very little to start with. TV has covered it well, our friends the French, Chavez and others prove their point that what is happening in Haiti is an invasion by the USA, supported by the amount of soldiers they see in TV, SAD. The rest of the world have planes in the Dominican Republic waiting to find a way to get the AID to Haiti,since the only airpot functioning in Hiti can barely handle more than . A large Bulgarian plane, after sitting in the small international airport of Jimani, Dom Rep, sat there with close to 200 more airplanes from all over the world and was ordered to return because they could not sit there anylonger. Medical help has arrived but the treatment is almst exclusive for surgical procedures, no real hospital in Haiti and the hospitals are empty wihout medicine or equipment:empty. The deadis abundant in the streets, in large open holes. As always the weakest go first, children under 18 month are frequently left to die and are running or laying, just waiting to die by dehydration or infection. Haiti is not far from developing a "plague" unless space is made to get vaccines in there. The treatment of most children is being done in the Dominican Republuic. The west of the DR is literary invaded by Haitians,only place for survival. Welcomed and helped by Dominicans of all types. But, still dehydration and infections continue to kill them because the help sent for this goes to Haiti not the DR, so most of that AID stays inHaiti and does not follow them to the DR where they are being treated, IRONIC.
A grup of retired MD/Pediatricians from the DR, whether living here or in the DR,are forming a small foundation with sole purpose to obtain hydrating equipment and oral/powder hydration with antibiotics and taking turns delivering this and working there inthe now Hitian hospitalswhere the DR used to be. I will be selling chips, as many as I can and more valuable, many fom my old collection. Hope you buy some. All that will be used for what we need, please be generous. And everyone that wants to sell some chips and donate the proceed, whatever it is, will be welcomed, and will be tax deductible. Thanks in advance to everyone. If you cannot and you are religious, a prayer, I am told, can work as well.