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The Chip Board Archive 20

Re: Well.....
In Response To: Re: Well..... ()

Still you look at what I say as being a complaint. Unfortunately its the TRUTH not a complaint.
Yes, I can complain to my leaders for whatever good it will do (nothing) I voiced my complaint in advance, I didn't vote for this administration.
They promised change, well you got what you asked for, the only change I have is the little left in my pockets.

I'm still asking you to show me where you got all your information from. I would be interested to read it and if nothing else, it would at least make me a better informed person

I'm truly glad that these 3 presidents agree that investors should be found. I'm sure that between the 3 of them, they could be the first to pledge a nice chunk of change. Don't however hold your breath.
The term investor also shows that they would expect a return on their money. Where do you see that coming from?
Even before this tragedy struck, the country was in such a shambles with corruption running amok no one was looking to invest then, what would change their minds now?

Look at the past track record of monies that were given to various countries and groups only to be siphoned off or funneled in other directions.

Building casinos in Haiti (pardon me while I stop to laugh) is probably the last thing that they need and the last thing to be built.

You can continue on your path of telling me I'm complaining. I think what you should do is jump into your Rolls, grin take a ride out of your compound and take a look at the poor side of town this way you could see some of the poverty in this nation it might make you wake up.

I hope the best for Haiti and the Hatian people. I hope that the relief efforts will be better co ordinated and the further loss of life is kept to a minimum. It will be a difficult struggle but they too will survive.

I've had my say on this subject so as Gene would put it, stick a fork in me I'm done

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Isn't it a wonderful feeling this Sunday morning ~
It is...
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Doesn't sound cruel ~~~
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Re: U.S. State Dept just said over 5000 Americans
I understand and agree
Re: I understand and agree
Re: I understand and agree
Re: I understand and agree
Re: I understand and agree
Re: I understand and agree
Ahhh Yes...the Republic of Fenwick !!! vbg
Wasn't it a Dutchy?
PLEASE Forgive me if I am wrong,,,,
Re: Well.....
Re: Well.....
To think that after 7 days there is still life ~~~
Re: Well.....
I have a Rolls-Canardly grin
Re: PLEASE Forgive me if I am wrong,,,,
Thank You Smitty!! vbg I WAS NOT,,,,
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