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The Chip Board Archive 03

Covington, Here...

Hey Gene,

Sorry I haven't been on the board much - work is keeping me VERY busy...

I agree with you that "True" color variations are collectable - as I collect them!
There are some listed in TCR - yet I also agree with Dr. Myers that listing all the variations in the TCR would make the Encyclopedia Britannica look small by comparison! <VBG>
Yet that means that all color variations would be in there. I'm not sure if that is a good idea or not - probably not, as this would be an incredible task to undertake!!! Also I'm not sure how much smaller The TCR would be if it only listed "true" color variations (e.g. Beige Vs White, etc) Also this would require a color table to be printed in The Chip Rack (which doesn't sound like a bad idea to have included... May be in TCR 8? - yes I know this would increase the cost and yes this would also introduce color variations from year to year, as the printer(s) would have a similar problem as the chip manufacturer's have... <VBG>)
I also agree with Dr. Myers, that every time a casino reorders, that the colors are not quite the same as in the earlier issues... Heck, Paulson color samples with the name of the color on them have distinct variations!!! (refer to Chipology 101 pg. 19 to see what I'm talking about...)



Messages In This Thread

Dr. Meyers - Can you please Help me out?
Re: Dr. Meyers - Can you please Help me out?
Re: Dr. Meyers - Can you please Help me out?
Re: Dr. Meyers - Can you please Help me out?
Re: Dr. Meyers - Can you please Help me out?
Re: Dr. Meyers - Can you please Help me out?
Re: Dr. Meyers - Can you please Help me out?
Re: Dr. Meyers - Can you please Help me out?
Re: Dr. Meyers - Can you please Help me out?
Just for Dr. Myers - you'll love this!
Re: Just for Dr. Myers - you'll love this!
Re: Dr. Meyers Calling Mr Covington
Re: Dr. Myers Calling Mr. Covington
Re: Dr. Myers Calling Mr. Covington
Thanks Dr. Myers!
Re: Dr. Meyers Calling Mr Covington
Covington, Here...
Re: oops...
Re: oops...
Re: oops...
Re: oops...
Re: oops...
How about.....
LOL!!! (EOM)
Re: Dr. Meyers - Can you please Help me out?
Re: Dr. Meyers - Hey Larry
Re: Dr. Meyers - Hey Gene....
Re: Dr. Meyers - Hey Gene....
Re: Already is a "Varitaions" Magazine..
Re: Dr. Myers - Can you please Help me out?
Re: Dr. Myers - My manifesto on variations...
Re: Excellent summary on variations
Re: Dr. Myers - OK Doc!!!!
Re: Dr. Myers - OK Doc!!!!
Re: Dr. Myers - OK Doc!!!!
Re: Dr. Myers - OK Doc!!!!
I'm colorblind, so ...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg