I'll be doing things a little different this time, including a new format with special sales, an online store, and an auction. Instead of an email list, I'll use the TyrusRex Messages Blog to notify all those interested in upcoming specials and news (like the actual opening date). You can subscribe to the blog (for FREE! ) by clicking the 'Subscribe to: Posts' link at the bottom of the blog page. Just follow the link below to my website and get to the blog page from there. My first few blogs will let you know some of what I'll be keeping and some of what I'll be changing between the new site and the old one.
It's been nearly two years since I closed the previous website and I'm looking forward to chipping once again! I'm shooting for an April opening if I can get it ready in time.
I'll be in Las Vegas for the Super Collectables Show - I look forward to seeing many of you there!