Jim, I see "rock monsters" all day long, 5 days a week. They would lie, cheat, steal, kill or sell themselves for a $5 crack cocaine rock & not care who they hurt in the process. Crack cocaine is an insidious & evil drug, which has no ethnic, religious, gender or social barriers. Many that I see suffer from a drug induced psychosis which goes untreated & the person has all sorts of delusions, hallucinations & ideas of reference. If we legalized a drug such as crack, can you imagine what havoc it would cause? I am all for decriminalizing marijuana use, but it too has its' bad effects. The pot coming into this country from Mexico, Jamaica & other Caribbean islands is more potent than 10 joints that we may have taken a toke from 20 years ago. The War on Drugs is a big flop, but I don't think the answer is to legalize all sorts of substances.