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The Chip Board Archive 19
NOW you tell me....
In Response To:
John, Stand on the INSIDE where it's 70º
Examples; Mother-of-Pearl chips I buy
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It's 41 outside my door. Not good.
Will Trade my 23 For Your 41
It's 23 here now..13 tonight..with windchill "0"
Its cold and Windy here, bring it on.
39&Drizzle here! Al G's Proverbial Heatwave
Re: It's 7 outside in Sunny Syracuse
32 and Snowing in Hobbs, NM Wind Chill 23
yeah right try 22 with a 30 mph wind!!
27 with wind chill ofr 20 in sunny Louisville,KY
12º on my veranda, with 27-38 mph winds...
27 in Milford, ohio, 41 is T-Shirt weather !!
OK! How about a -7F outside my door. Windchill of
John, Stand on the INSIDE where it's 70º
NOW you tell me....
28 º F and snowing here!
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