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The Chip Board Archive 19
THANKS Bob for running it
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We won $150 in Mega Million $s - prizes!!!!!!
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We won $150 in Mega Million $s - prizes!!!!!!
We won $150 in Mega Million $s - prizes!!
Very Nice!!!!Thanks Bob
Outstanding - Thanks Bob!! Congrats to the winners
Very nice! Thanks Bob!
Very nice! Thanks Bob & Merry Christmas
Thanks Bob!!!! What a suprise!!!!
Thanks Bob!!! What a suprise!!!!
PLUS......I gave you a discount, so now
Soooo, what do ya have from Florida
Sorry, dont do Florida
That good but i do..send me the list
Didnt you have some SunCruz roulettes ? ?
I sold those immediately you turned them down.
I will see what I can find this week. I can see
Thanks again Bob. Congrats to the winners.
Thanks Bob I appreciate that! Winner....
Steve Chiruck R-7623 email me
I'm making a list & checking it twice!
That's GREAT!
It will be...
A Very Nice Gesture. Thanks Bob
We won $150 in Mega Million $s - prizes!!
If we had 4 numbers + the Powerball....
Thanks, very nice on your part
Tks Bob what would you done with 10M
Absolutely awesome!
Thanks, Bob... Congrats to Von and Steve...
Thanks Bob,
Bob-Great Job! Thank You For All!!!!
Thanks For Your Efforts Bob!
Very nice, Bob! Congrats, guys!
Thanks Bob, We're Getting Close
Thanks Bob
That's AWESOME, Bob...thanks!!
Thanks Bob!
Wow! Who'da thunk?
Wow!! Awesome!!! Thanks Bob!
Great Idea ... Thanks Bob!!
Sweet!!!!!! congrats to the winners!
Thanks Bob
Very Cool!
Thanks Bob, and congrats winners!
Well done, Bob....Well done!!
Thnx Bob; Congrats to the winners!
THANKS Bob for running it
Re: Thanks Bob!!!
Great deal and gesture Bob
Great idea! And, Thank you!!
What a great idea! Thanks BOB !
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