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The Chip Board Archive 19
You've done an excellent job, Doug...
In Response To:
My intension of running for Re-election on the BOD
most members don't know how much time really is involved with your Treasurer's "job". As a club member, I thank you for your contributions & dedication.
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My intension of running for Re-election on the BOD
Glutton for punishment!
One cigar = 1 vote LOL you got mine
Even without a cigar,
Keep up the good work
Thank you Doug!!!
my vote is there for you
Got my vote!!!
Thank you once again
I'm in your corner Doug...!
You've done an excellent job, Doug...
With a name of Doug you will go far
I Agree !!!!!
Doug, thanks for running again
You have my vote and thanks for your service!
Send me some more personals and I will,,,,
You are welcome to My Vote
Re: My intension of running for Re-election on the
Thank you everyone for the kind words and support.
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