You said- Referring to the first group ......when the Slabfree Board conveys the attitude....
You said- Referring to the second group As a member of the CCGTCC, I firmly stand by the official position of the club.
You painted SlabFree as "gang mentality" and you had the ability to think for yourself, stating, "I don't need a Board to dictate what I know to be right or wrong." Also stating," When like minded people ban together, and make pledges for a noble purpose, free will goes right out the window."
Then you go on to say..
As a member of the CCGTCC, I firmly stand by the official position of the club. Is that gang mentality too? Agreeing with like thinking people?
In summary, they let the membership know that slabbing was a bad idea, took steps to assure that the CCGTCC could not be perceived as condoning slabbing, but made no blanket prohibitions against buying/selling slabbed chips.
You stated that CC&GTCC [BoD 'makes' the official position of the club] had stated their position, and acording to your statment 'was a bad idea'.
"I don't need a Board to dictate what I know to be right or wrong." In response to that statement I was pointing out that the CC&GTCC [BoD] ALSO, dictates things such as ethics AND can/will bar membership for violations of the code they laid out- Others who are barred believed they too did not need a board dictating right and wrong either..
Maybe you can NOW understand my original post.