Next, I'm not so sure that Mr Scott would not resend his blocked list, or at least limit it to just a few. I'm sure there are quite a few people that he has had issues with and does not want to sell to. But I'm also pretty sure there are many on the list he has had no dealings with and no animosity towards. The only reason they are on his blocked list is because they are on the SlabFree pledge list.
But there are others. It's not just about Mark Scott. It;s about all of the people and companies on the boycott these people list. Yes, we have virtually stopped the slabbing in it's tracks. Thanks mostly to the hard nosed efforts of a few people and the and the Slab free pledge list. But now that we are where we are, it may be time to look at what we have there and make some adjustments. We should remove the people that have stopped. We should not hold grudges against them because they tried to do slabbing. We should only be angry if they get into it again.