I have to acknowledge that my posts have been a BIG part of this problem. I am very passionate about this country and I am a Patriot and a very Proud American. I can not apologize for that. In my own defense I would like to say that I do not initiate political posts but I do feel compelled to respond to them. As I said in my post last night, I will no longer respond to any political post on this board. If I have offended anybody with my political responses in the past, I am sorry and I express my humble apology.
I also know that some of my posts have contained my somewhat whacky and warped sense of humor. I like to have fun and I have always said, “There is no such thing as too much fun!”
I would like to also acknowledge that what I see as funny might be offensive to others and I have gone a bit over board with some of my posts.
To all: Please accept my humble apologies. I am very sorry.
I will continue to fly MY Flag in my posts if nobody has a problem with it.
Let's get back to Chippin'! OK?