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The Chip Board Archive 19 I noted before -- I stopped reading

posts from Robert Smith, Doug Smith and you because I really don't care about their / your political leanings -- that's why I don't "go after" them. My original comment was to Paul about his numerous "NCR Non Political Post" contained nothing more than a simple question. The number of these posts seemed a bit childish to me and that was the genesis of my comment. I have enjoyed reading Paul's posts & seeing his train pictures over the years.

And as far as the validity and / or accuracy of what you & others post politically, I don't care (it goes back to that "I don't read them" thing). If the current administration succeeds in its mission to solve the problems of this country, as Americans, we are all better off. If not, the possibility exists that they will be replaced in three years.

Reply to whomever's you wish to John...I never said you shouldn't. Once again, I don't care.

Steve Bedo

Messages In This Thread

NCR Non Political Post
Seriously, this necessary?
Don't know I recieved complaints
No, no, no... Paul. You are posting the ...
NCR A hah Maybe I should try.
It has nothing to do with political affiliation,
Re: It has nothing to do with political affiliatio
Life is to short can we please keep
NCR Non Political Post
Sure it does...
John, Please dont paint my post as being
We have 12 responses to a Picture
Not so fast here John…
If you have no response
New web site for you...
I'll talk R-E-A-L-L-Y S-L-O-W for you...
That's it, Steve; when you have nothing to say ...
I never have anything to say when it comes to this
...and BTW, I'll respond to whomever's post I wish
Re: ...and BTW, I'll respond to whomever's post I
Then no one should slam the president as though .. I noted before -- I stopped reading
Either you care or don't care, Steve. Which is it?
John, I have to respectfully disagree with your
Re: It has nothing to do with political affiliatio
Ban All Political Posts
I think we are all adult enough to agree in the ..
This used to be ...
I'm Going to Go to
I'll meet you over there. vbg
I appreciate the Humor of that. rofl
Now Jr. can be member of Tail Hook Assn like Daddy
Sorry guy's Had to comment in

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