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The Chip Board Archive 19
Joel - I'm pretty sure there is a list
In Response To:
Matching up Members with their Ebay Handles
that shows members names and email addresses as well as ebay names, but regardless, my ebay name is:
Bill Romano R-6330 (NJ)
Messages In This Thread
Matching up Members with their Ebay Handles
I'm not on this list but this has been helpful...
Re: I'm not on this list but this has been helpful
Re: I'm not on this list but this has been helpful
I'll get that fixed, Rodney.
Re: I'll get that fixed, Rodney.
Re: I'll get that fixed, Rodney.
Joel - I'm pretty sure there is a list
Joel, Here is a current list.
Same list as Ruben's post above.
Many of the Big Sellers are Missing from the List
Re: Many of the Big Sellers are Missing from the L
Re: Many of the Big Sellers are Missing from the L
I just updated the listing...
Thanks, Mark!!
Why wouldnt one want to be on there?
Beats me.
Re: Matching up Members with their Ebay Handles
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