The President (in theory) reads the Proposed legislation and determines whether the President ( Notice I didn't mention a Sex?? Pretty clever wasn't it) is in favor or not.
Now if the President is in favor of the Proposed Legislation , The President will sign it and it will become Law.
Now if the President is not in favor of the Proposed Legislation , The President will not sign it and it will be sent back to the Legislature for modification or over ride of the Presidents Veto.
are you all following me so far?????
Civics Part 2
If You feel that proposed legistlation is NOT in your best intrest you would contact your representative or Senator and express your opinion as to why the proposed legislation is not in the best intrest of the country. (Yeah like that will Happen)
If you feel that the Proposed Legislation IS in your best intrest you would contact your representative or Senator and express your opinion as to why the proposed legislation is in the best intrest of the country.
So.... the legislation I have been Talking about will or will not become law.
The above paragraph's are Idealized versions of what should happen.
Civics Part 3
Did I mention the Part about freedonm of speech?? Seems as though "Money= speech" So if you have enough Money you will get increased interest from your Representitive. Especially if you Happen to support the Re Election committe of your favorite Representitive.
Let's just say You Manufactured Video entertainment. Copyright law used to limit copyright to (not sure about this) approx 70 Years. So you Call Your representitive that your copyright of a cartoon Mouse was about to expire and you thought 70 Years was not long enough. Your representitive listened to your plea and decided that they should extend the copyright for another (guessing on this one also) 30 Years. I won't say anything about the author of the Copyrighted material has been DEAD for the last 30 years.
So in the country's best intrest your representitive Proposes that Copyright protection should be extended for (guessing on this one also) another 30 Years.
for all of you truly dedicated Americans (wave flag here)
The best interests of the USA Have been served.
Aren't you proud that you are a Citizen of the United States of America
(Wave flag here)
On another note a few representatives were assisted in their re election committee's with Generous donations to their Re election Committee.
Of course no Laws were violated in my Hypothetical situation.
Paul Hegge