These are covers only...with one exception. The die-cut book from the Horseshoe is a full book (down near the bottom, at the center of the can see the arrowdie chip on the cover ). Some of these covers are pretty scarce, so I didn't want to damage them...I used clear nylon thread to attach them to foam-core board. Once I knew where the matchbook should go, it was up through one staple-hole with the threaded needle, then down through the other staple hole. Up next to the hinge(?) where the book is folded (do they call that the saddle??), thread across the cover (in one of the creases) and down the other side. That was all it took to attach the flat covers . The full book was just a little harder...I cut a hole in the foam-core to hold the matches! I think I might have used an extra stitch or two for that book, since it was a little heavier.
Here's a couple of smaller frames with full books. You can see that it's a deeper frame. I cut a piece of foam-core board to fit the frame, then glued square (1/4" or 1/3" I think) wooden sticks (painted black to match) on top of the foam-core board. Again, used clear nylon thread to attach everything. I think I ran one thread through each book at the top, and another thread through the book at the bottom.
This frame is made just for full matchbooks. There's slats across the back of the frame, you open the cover and put it over the slat then close the cover. The slats are curved a bit, so the frame will hang flush against the wall. These frames come with and without glass. I wouldn't recommend this type of frame for scarce or valuable books, as it does tend to distort the cover. After being in one of these frames for awhile, your book of matches won't have exactly the right shape after it's removed from the frame.
you can see the slats here
To store full matchbooks, I open them (so we can look at them without stress on the hinge from repeated opening and closing the covers) and store them in small plastic bags. Many are in postcard "sleeves", others are in small zip-lock baggies. I alternate the matches...on the left side for every other book, on the right side for every other the bulk is distributed. They fit perfectly in shoe boxes! I have a set of small plastic drawers (from Target, but I've seen similar ones at other stores), and two shoe boxes fit just right in each drawer...though I had to cut down the height of the boxes.
Hope these ideas help you...our treasures should be seen and enjoyed!