Here is a copy of a note I posted on the club board. This By-law change has made me sick!!! I can not believe our elected board would pass a change allowing an individual to join a chapter WITHOUT first becoming a National member.
To All,
First of all I did not attend the business meeting. It doesn't matter why, I just did not attend.I don't believe it would have made a
difference if I was there or not. It is my opinion it was a done deal before the meeting took place.
I disagree with John Yee that the "Only" place to ask questions of our club officers is the business meeting. Who in the hell do you (John
Yee) and they (the officers) think they are??? Something special??? Above everyone else??? What the hell is this??? These individuals
are elected officers. They should be impeached for allowing a chapter to accept members without those members being FIRST national
members. I realize it was a by-law. However, it was a by-law before "they" took office. I'm sure it will be a Constitutional addition after
"they" leave.
Now those who remember my posts on the old Prodigy board will see WHY I wanted to amend our Constitution to include an
impeachment clause.
The action by the board was wrong. It is not acceptable to me or many other members. Bob Orme is a friend BUT in this case I do not
agree with him. I Know he is a "Big" enough person to allow this disagreement between us NOT to interfer with our friendship.
Janice O'Neal said it all on Greg's board. She explained what a Chapter is and how it relates to the whole (National).
I believe any Chapter who allows individuals to join without first joining the National should have their "Chapter" designation taken away
and not allowed ANY chapter benefits.
What have we deteriorated too???? We only follow those rules and Constitutional laws we like??? I realize the rule was changed.
Changed quitely and easily with very few members being aware of it because it was a By-law change. I say "throw the rascals out" come
election time.
I sure would like to know the board vote on this by-law change.
Jim and/or Nate care to tell us????