The Colorado chapter was in violation of the CC>CC
By-Law [Chapters] the very first moment it accepted
a member who was not a member of the CC>CC. I was
in violation, as was every other officer of the
Floridian Chapter of the CC>CC. Any chapter
officer who also accepted members into their chapter
who were not members of the CC>CC was also in
violation of the By-Law [Chapters] of the CC>CC.
This violation does not go away. You, I or whomever
was in violation were LUCKY that no further action
was taken by the CC>CC against us. Do you not
feel that you, I and whomever was in violation need
to thank the officers who were involved during our
violation...or do you consider the results a
victory? I lost, today, Bob. You and I stood
side-by-side (I unknowingly for not reading the C&BL
of the Floridian Chapter and assuming they were
exactly as those of the CC>CC). Me, the guy who
constantly suggests to others "assume nothing." I'm
not pulling you down with me, Bob. I ask nothing of
you....and I expect you ask nothing of me and
every one else who agrees that any chapter member
should be a member of the CC>CC.
Thank you