OK we will have to now eliminate all True socialist Policies.
Lets start with Insurance Pools. No finer example of Marxist socialism there.
House Gets robbed? sorry to hear that good thing you and youir family was in Cancun, you could have been hurt. I'm sure you will be able to replace everything with the money you have in your savings account.
House blown down by a hurricane? Sorry to hear that, shouldn't have moved to the coast of Florida.
Water in your living room? maybe you shouldn't have moved to a 100 Year flood plane. (if you are confused on that term it is a place that will only flood once in 100 years.)
Probably should have moved to the Mountains. (Oh wait Avalanch.........) Good thing you had that GPS tracker. You are lucky they found you you before you sufflocated.
Maybe the Great plaines. Oh oh Tornado. If you had only built your house underground.
Yessoree bob no finer example of socialism (right out of Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto) than Insurance Pools.
Just think of the number of self sufficiant Pioneers
we can be proud of if we just illiminate insurance companies.
I'm sure the Walton family will be able to take you under their wing (for 7 years anyway)
I'm glad you were able to help me see the Light.
Paul Hegge