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The Chip Board Archive 19

Wish I could make it, but....

...I am in the midst of having three very large, very mature beautiful ash trees cut down from the front of my propery. After treating the trees for the past three years to try to prevent the dreaded Emerald Ash Borer from getting them, they have finally fallen prey.

The project started yesterday and as of now they are only half way done and won't finish until the end of Saturday or possibly even Sunday. As if losing these great trees wasn't bad's costing me $2,000 to have them removed.

I was really hoping to make it and join in on the fun, but, alas....'twas not meant to be. Wishing you all the best of shows. Hope you all have a great time.

Psssst.......hey Bedo, this scan is for you.

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Great Lakes Chip Show, less than a DAY AWAY!!!
heading out in about 15 min !
Wish I could make it, but....
Nice Scan! I want one now grin

Copyright 2022 David Spragg