The SCOREBOARD SPORTS BAR in Spring Creek, just outside of Elko no longer has chips. Their owners--the Full House, Inc.--are only using chips at the Stockmen's and the Commercial Hotel and Casino in Elko. The $1.s and $5.s have totally disappeared. The Scoreboard has a box of about a dozen $25. chips under the bar which they will sell at face.
The new Hollywood Casino (Named--??) in Shreveport is moving their Riverboat into Shreveport around the 1st of September. Their associated hotel will not be ready until around the 1st of the year. They are going to wait to open the casino until the hotel is also ready and they can do a real Grand Opening.
If you like the chips in this scan, please note they are available this week on eBay. (Seller I.D. = 'psycho.')