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The Chip Board Archive 19
Well, I guess you're right; facts are facts
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the only thing I have heard from the republicans i
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Government Health Care
Sure you can Paul. That argument only works in a
Did you actually read the Quote????
Yes I read the quote. Let me see if I can explain
"Can you name one program that
Now there is some actual documented FACT ...
Doug, may I suggest you read our Constitution
John, Since when had our Constitution stopped
What? You want me to read it all over, again?
Re: Doug, may I suggest you read our Constitution
John, can you help me with this Constitutional
No. I'm so, so sorry... I sure can't, Doug...
OK here is another one
No it wont, but if Amtrak has the power to enact
OK I havn't read all ????????? pages
The first thing that will happen if no reform is
the only thing I have heard from the republicans i
Well, I guess you're right; facts are facts
Re: the only thing I have heard from the republica
To stay on subject: The same exact process ...
Re: To stay on subject: The same exact process ...
Smitty; here's a math question:
I don't know John... what do I have?
No it didn't.
Very good factual response Mr. Orme!
Paul, I understand your concern, I really do.
People have been saying that
do you really think
amtrak reality
You seem to be halucinating..
Sad, but it's not halucinating.. but rather being
Re: OK here is another one
I already mentioned that
Health Care Reality
Tell me honestly...
Re: Tell me honestly...
Exactly my point, Bob. The Republicans have NOT ..
That is so stupid and totally...
Only going by the Facts. Numbers say it all; 26%
My doctor say's
I doubt anyone would put their fingerprints on any
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