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The Chip Board Archive 03

Ed Hertel had a house fire...

Yesterday Ed's house caught on fire. Everyone except the cat came out ok. The fire started in his office. He said that he had all the chips he bought at convention in a pile on his desk and that they are now fused into one big lump. He thinks the rest of his collection is pretty much ok though.

He said he had a few checks on his desk from people that had ordered his book. They are burned up. So, if you ordered a book or have other chip business with him, please be patient. He is able to check his email at his in-laws home where they will be staying, but you should be patient when expecting a reply.

Niki said that surprisingly enough, the binder of his matchbook collection caught on fire, but the matches inside are all ok. <G>


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Ed Hertel had a house fire...

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