A book that I've heard great things about is "The Green Felt Jungle" by Ed Reid with Ovid Demaris. Written in the early '60's by Reid, a crime reporter for the L.A. Times it seems to be a chronicle of the most rip-roarin' action days of Las Vegas and the Strip by a insider who was there and knew his way around. Written pre-H. Hughes and S. Wynn it still is highly regarded today. I plan on borrowing the copy I bought my Dad a while back if I can pry it away from him. Available at http://www.barnesandnoble.com/ and the Gamblers Book Shop http://www.gamblersbook.com/
A web site run by a nice lady that gets bigger everyday is Las Vegas Strip History http://www.lvstriphistory.com/ While neither strictly fits your query they ought to keep you busy until you find the right book.