Ok,,,,,, Drum Roll Please
Someone needs to set up a Big Drop Bag and mark it "Personals for Markie-Mo"!!!!
Ain't that a great idea????
I mean, if you have any extra personals or new ones,,,,, or are tired of storing them,,,,, You can drop them in the bag for me!!!
Not only do I have to catch up with Gene,,,,,, Now I have to deal with Rich to!!
Gonna be interesting to see who comes out on the top on that one.
Seriously I have been going through all my personals again today. You all will NEVER know what they mean to me. Thank you all so very much for taking the time and helping me. I know, you all are wondering how my "Angel" puts up with me???? Sheeeeeeezzzz, I really don't know
I just Thank God everyday, I have her, You All & My Kids,,,,,,, and my chips. Take care my friends and have a great day, Mark