The Chip Board
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The Chip Board Archive 19

NCR - Have you Ever Wondered,,,,

What a "True Friend" is???? I have,,,,,,,, and I NEVER knew what they were until I joined this Great Club,,,, the CC>CC!!!! I am serious,,,,, I have NEVER had anyone give me anything "Just Because" or "I wanted to help" or anything like that,,,,,,, BUT I have made so many Great Friends in this club even though I have Never met any of them,,,, You ask,,, How da hell can they be a "friend" if you never met them???? Well, Try being someone that puts helping a fellow member ahead of making money, helping a fellow member complete a set, Helping a member get a Much Wanted chip!!,,,, Helping a Friend instead of getting s chip for yourself!!,,,,,, That is what I have found in the CC>CC!!!! You all will NEVER know what your "Friendship" & Help means to me!!!! Greg was a "True Friend",,,, He made sure I got the chip I needed & wanted no matter what!! They are so Many of you that I can Never repay you for your Kindness & help!!!! Thank you again and have a great night, Mark

Messages In This Thread

NCR - Have you Ever Wondered,,,,
I got these Old Bones...
Amen Smitty,, You KNOW what I Mean@!!,,

Copyright 2022 David Spragg