Me too

Messages In This Thread
- Does anyone have an extra
- same here Im Missing it too!
- Me too
- Re: Does anyone have an extra
- my fingers are crossed!
- Re: I Think I Have All Ever Made..
- I think I also have them all, including the errors
- Re: I Think I Have All Ever Made..
- Since you have the most you can post them all!
- Not sure Ive got them all scanned, will try and do
- Re: I Think I Have All Ever Made..
- Gene, I made a set of 5 colors on one of my own
- Re: Gene, I made a set of 5 colors on one of my ow
- Re: Gene, I made a set of 5 colors on one of my ow
- Re: Gene, I made a set of 5 colors on one of my ow
- David, Do you remember how many I had made of
- You re-ordered another 5. Here is your email.
- Geez, it would have taken me months to find that
- I think you auctioned the other set from memory.
- You may be right as I donated a lot of my older
- David, Here is a scan of those chips
- Andy and Gene. Here is a scan showing
- One more here David...
- Yes Ive got that one as well. I thought there
- Both double sided errors as well so that makes 37.
- You have a scan of those two?
- Yes, do you want me to add it to the big scan
- Might as well have them all in one...
- On what mold? I show all possible combinations
- Re: On what mold? I show all possible combinations
- Its the one directly under the 2005 chip.
- Not at what I'm looking at it is not...
- Not sure I understand you then.
- Re: Not sure I understand you then.
- Re: Not sure I understand you then.
- Re: Not sure I understand you then.
- Scan updated
- thats Awesome!!
- I also need one among others...
- I NEED & WANT a Sonic Chip!!,,,,
Copyright 2022 David Spragg