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The Chip Board Archive 19

Collecting chips - your stories

I would love to see your postings on how you got started colecting, what you collect and your favorite chips.

I am very new to the ccgtcc and the Chip Board but I have been a chip collector for almost 20 years. It started in the early 90s during our first trip to Atlantic City. My wife & I were foolish and lost all of our gambling money the first day but I did manage to keep (harvest?) a few chips. Over the next few years we went back several times (having learned better money management) and I managed to get a $1 chip from each casino, a couple of $2.50 chips, some roulettes & a $5. We "discovered" Las Vegas in the mid 90s and my collection grew with more $1 chips & a couple of $5 chips. Casinos opened in nearby Connecticut and a few more chips were added.

In 2005 friends & I traveled to LV for "Men's Weekend" and once again the collection started to grow. My wife & I traveled to Aruba last year adding an international flair to my collection. This year saw the 4th men's weekend in LV (, internet trades with Ricky (ACCCC) & Dice702, my joining ccgtcc and creation of the Casino Chip Challenge.

The past few weeks have been an eye opener to the vast world of casino chip collecting. I see how it could be real easy to get swept up in the hobby. I have decided to collect mostly $1 chips from casinos that I actually visit. Given the wide variety of personal chips (especially Halloween) & the chips I had made for the Chip Challenge I'm looking forward to meeting other members & trading personals.

My favorites are the three $5 chips pictured below. They mean the most to me becasue 2 of these 3 casinos don't exist any more and the other changed hands. They are my little piece of Las Vegas history.

Thank you to everyone who has reply to my previous posts, emailed me & to those who have baseball score contests. I am looking forward to meeting the Atlantic City CCC next month & to someday making it to the ccgtcc convention.

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Collecting chips - your stories
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