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The Chip Board Archive 19


Not being technical on the modern day computer, I have no idea what it takes to develop, maintain,and keep operating this and the many other websites that Greg initiated and maintained.

I would hope that the leaders of the CC.GTCC contact Carol, to purchase the rights to Greg's websites in order to keep them going as a LEGACY to the great efforts he put forth for the hobby. I also would suggest that CC.GTCC assume the operating cost of whatever is required to keep them running.

I was always disappointed when individuals waisted computer resources, having negative discussions at the cost of someone else who provided the forum. I think if the CC.GTCC take on this task, they will be surprised at the cost associated with running Websites.

PS. What happens it the site goes down today?

Messages In This Thread

Brian Watts will be taking over control of...
I wonder if Brian could...
I like that idea, Paul
Sounds like a plan
Brian thanks so much, it is
Great choice
Thank You Brian!
It is very important that Greg's sites continue...
I just sent you an E-Mail with...
Re: technical side - $ Side
One thing that will have to be done...
Same position as you. My credit would be
Brian, I'm sending you the links and passwords to
Thanks Brian!
Thanks, Gene, I am more more than
See this post to save me retyping
Re: It is very important that Greg's sites continu

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