Had to throw out the rest of my lunch, just couldn't finish. Everyone who knows me knows I spend a lot of time on Greg's board and it'll continue to be Greg's board to me. All the goofy stuff that happens here and Greg always dealt with it in a classy and good natured way. I learned a lot from that. I was lucky in that I had a chance to tell Greg at Southpoint '09 that I was truely glad he was there that year after all he had been through. Seems at the conventions, you could always see Greg coming from a long ways away with that big smile of his.
Luckily he left us with a lot of Greg stories to smile about and I don't think he'd mind. Remember the time a few years back, he Photoshopped a fake LV chip that had all the characteristics of a real classic. I believe he even revealed his horseplay but there it was in the next TCR plain as day. He was pretty embarrassed but everyone had a big grin over the whole deal!