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The Chip Board Archive 19
Did you forget the bombing at Atlanta Olympics?
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LA crime rate at Coliseum not very good in 84.
Chicago Crime Rate
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NCR-Chicago Out In 1st Vote For 2016 Olympics
That is great news
Best news for today thus far today
Why is it good?
Because ...
Rio Is A Dangerous Choice
I agree that ...
Pay attention
The key word in the whole gig ..
Chicago's crime rate ...
...and Chicago's Pizza is really bad, too.
LA crime rate at Coliseum not very good in 84.
Not good today either.
Did you forget the bombing at Atlanta Olympics?
Good point. How safe a city is doesn't really mean
Re: Good point. How safe a city is doesn't really
Yeah...! Let's do it.
it is against the law to have a Hand Guns
Obama was bullied by every Newspaper
Re: Why is it good?
Re: Why is it good?
Hey Ross!
Obama trying to pay off the Chicago Machine
Re:You Must mean Valerie, BO's Czarina of Whatever
This man might be speaking the truth!!
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