Asian and Indo gangs are coming here and many causing are huge trouble. Many take total advantage of the system.They bring their families over and many do not speak English and,when they break the law and get caught,they cry and whine and say things like: "If I get deported back to my country,they may be persecuted because of .....whatever the reason is,(FILL IN THE BLANKS). Then they take advantage of the laws in this country to fight their extradition...if there even is that option. All the while they talk through interpreters and the bleeding hearts in this country talk about those poor people's rights to live in this country as Canadians...blah,blah,blah.
I am as open minded as a person can be when it comes to different cultures,BUT...if you go to a foreign country to reside,then I think that you obey the laws of that country,appreciate the benefits of that country, and should at least have the rudiments of the language of that country(unless of course you are a Brit who,in the majority of cases,even though they can be very affable people, most Canadians and Americans cannot understand what they are talking about, even though they ARE,in theory speaking English

I agree...if you do not like or refuse to follow the rules of the country,then get the hell out!
Where is Andrew Dice Clay when we need him?