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The Chip Board Archive 19
Wasnt me. I only date adults
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and another thing
Marlow Casino Chips
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Another one of my "Dumb Questions"
Not a bad Idea Mark!
Re: Another one of my "Dumb Questions"
Thank you Guys,,,, I was Hoping,,
Re: Thank you Guys,,,, I was Hoping,,
I think she is,,,,
Re: Another one of my "Dumb Questions"
Re: Another one of my "Dumb Questions"
Dumb Butt Here,,,,,
Have you been on the slosh again?
i understood fine
Your argument is asinine
and another thing
Wasnt me. I only date adults
But I heard being "Human" was Optional
now thats FUNNY!!!
No Matter What,,,, I am,,
Mark, while not a bad idea, there are several
at $25 per ticket it would be much more possible
True at $25 it would only take 30 sales to meet
I do believe so Doug ......
i would buy 1 maybe 2 tickets @ $25 each
I think others would do the same
You all might have to,,,,
Re: True at $25 it would only take 30 sales to mee
me too Gene!
why not award
another great idea from the King of Crap!
LAST PLACE could be a DATE with SPRAGG!!
WAIT... that would KILL Sales!
If you don't sell enough tickets then ..
Re: Good Idea, Ralph, also...
Re: Good Idea, Ralph, also...
The Club has Charity Status now??
As pointed out by Doug & Ralph, there are...
who knows this could sell enough....
Re: who knows this could sell enough....
Ralph is spot on!
Thank You very Much Chuck,,,,
Re: know....
Thank you Pam,,,,,, I Love the,,,,,
Re: As pointed out by Doug & Ralph, there are...
Re: As pointed out by Doug & Ralph, there are...
I am a Life Member
Re: As pointed out by Doug & Ralph, there are...
I think it's a great idea Mark and if
I am sorry if I caused,,,,
Did this issue get resolved (from 2006)
The only issue that I can see from your prior...
A Post has been made on the Club Message Board!
That's why I say the Club doesn't have to be...
OOOPS! As Sunday asked....
I like this BoD involvement
Careful - raffles sometimes require a license
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