While a tragedy for all locations, as a...
veteran and aerospace employee, I tend to have a greater tie to the Pentagon situation. I listened to the radio reporting of the 1st and 2nd aitcraft hits on the Twin Towers as I drove to work, but once at work the Pentagon hit unfolded. While I did not not anyone in the tragedy there, I was given this photograph by the occupant of the exposed, larger room, on the top floor at left. That office was empty, as the occupants were in the auditorium (located in the next ring in) watching the events of the Twin Towers on the large screen system!
At 57, I do recall where I was and what was happening when President Kennedy was assassinated, just as I do of Bobby Kennedy's assassination and 9-11. And while I'll Not Forget the bad ones, I also remember a few great ones. The July, 1969 Lunar Landing being the most significant!
But today belongs to those who were innocent victims and to the brave First Responders!