Hey Jerry,
At the convention this year, Professor Knapp and I presented a Seminar entitled "Chipology 101". One of the items we discussed during the seminar was the various molds used in chips.
I created a pdf file of the presentation charts (pdf is a generic format that can be read by using Adobe Acrobat Reader - it is a free Download from Abode if you don't already have it). Since the original file was so large (over 29.9 Mega bytes), I had to "down sample" the images. Still the file is large at ~2.5 Mega Bytes... The Chipology 101 pdf file can be found at: http://www.ccgtcc.com/chipology.htm also on this page, there is a link to Adobe to down load the Acrobat reader.
The various Hat and Cane are illustrated on pages 23 through 25.
An example of concentric rings on a coin inlay is illustraded on pg 40 in the lower left hand side.
Don L's explanations of the over stamp "Over stamp usually means a design hot stamped over an existing design on a chip. Can be used to cancel a chip, revalue it, or remark it for some different use" is a good one.
I hope this helps...