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The Chip Board Archive 19

Health Care

I've been following all of the health care discussions with great interest. I currently have a good job and very good health care. My company and I pay a lot of money for this and it increases annually at a much higher rate than my salary. If I wasn't employed, I would have no coverage at all. No one would insure me and people who private pay for health care pay a much higher rate than people who are insured. I speak from experience. In 2001 I sold my house to pay for my wife's medical bills (>$100K) during a period where I was unemployed. Luckily it was an up market and my house sold for a profit.

So if you ask me if I support health care for everyone, then I say you bet! I might need it again some day. I would even be willing to give up my premium health care for a public plan that benefits everyone. We can debate details on how or what the scope is, but something needs to be done. Our congress doesn't typically take on tough tasks. I would like them to see this one through. Sure it costs money, but I would advocate that it is much more important than most of the things our government currently funds.

Our current system is far from perfect. I would encourage everyone to educate themselves on the alternatives before they start screaming no. What countries have better health care than the US and how do they accomplish it. Here is an article to get you started.

Messages In This Thread

Health Care
You Are 100% Correct
I agree. Trimble should pay more for less.
Re: I agree. Trimble should pay more for less.
Health Care System - I NEED

Copyright 2022 David Spragg