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The Chip Board Archive 19

TO ALL - That is not how it works
In Response To: Everything is fine now ()

If this bb (or any other that relies on cgi scripts/cookies/caching), for example, goes down while you have it open in your browser, then when it comes back you are going to see it as it was THE LAST TIME YOU OPENED IT. That could have been 10 minutes before it went down, 10 hours before it went down.
If you then close your browser, re-open it, re-open this board and refresh, it will be up to date.

Messages In This Thread

Someone deleted my post?
I don't think so
Yes, someone did. Gene Trimble
Re: Yes, someone did. Gene Trimble
Re: No Gene Trimble did not
Not what I wanted to say.
Where's Strother Martin when you need him? vbg
Not I... I've just returned from an evening out...
Something is or was messed up
So re-post it again ...
Everything is fine now
TO ALL - That is not how it works
Thank You
David -- this instance was a little different, tho

Copyright 2022 David Spragg