<<you still demand that one man's personal property be turned over to the club.>>
Huh? I asked that the club inquire (NOT DEMAND) of this person: 1)IF he would donate these scans to the club (since they have already been "donated" to several chippers); or, 2) have the club OFFER to buy these scans for a nominal fee (maybe a couple of hundred dollars).
Had at any point you said the club had looked into this matter and was denied, I would have been satisfied that the club made the effort.
I am not looking for the club to "knock down the door" and "demand one person's personal property". Why do find it necessary to twist a person's words in order to win an agument? I notice that you try to marginalize a person's arguments by using these MADE-UP catch phrases.
Also I don't think you should couple yourself with Gene. I understand and have no argument with Gene.