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The Chip Board Archive 19

BEWARE eBay BEWARE eBay $5 River Queen

Just a little eBay seller has listed a $5 River Queen chip, noting in the title "Las Vegas, 1972-1973". For those of you new to this bulletin board, those chips are NOT from Las Vegas, but are from Canada and number in the hundreds (at least). This information has been noted on this BB for at least a year, so be careful of whom you are dealing with. The eBay link is below:

There are no bids on it as of yet & just wanted to give a fair warning in case someone had one of the old price guides & was thinking that they were gonna get a steal. Have a nice evening. grin

Steve B

Messages In This Thread

BEWARE eBay BEWARE eBay $5 River Queen
Re:Anyone Know Who Vic 1243 Is?
Yes - It's Vic G.
sad WOW...I'm sure he's aware of where that
Hi Steve,
Re: Yes - It's Vic G.I should have known!!!!
I am sure he will do the right thing.....
Why Are You So Sure????????
I am sure he knows ! its his nature
Thanks Steve
$1 or $5 River Queen CIC Chips
Re: $1 or $5 River Queen CIC Chips
I did the same thing, Gary... sad
Re: $1 or $5 River Queen CIC Chips
Thank you for doing what's right, Vic

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