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The Chip Board Archive 19
Re: Here's why.
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Re: Here's why.
I'm learning how to drink out of Ziploc baggies.
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question of the day
somebodys kids spilled soda on it
You really don't want to know.....
Probably a function of all the ...
Actually not a crazy question...
I've been using TARGET'S brand in the car.
Does anyone wipe ...
More and more surgical gloves are being worn about
If so inclined, a simple Ziploc baggie.....
...but what will housekeeping think ...
Why would you care what the chamber maid thought?
Here's why.
Re: Here's why.
Re: Here's why.
spray hand sanitizer on it
I'd rather not think about it
Use your left hand instead.
Try a place where they don't
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