Yup, after 30+ years of being a hard-core smoker, I came home from the convention...went to my doctor..got a prescription for Chantix , and I have now been cigarette-free for TEN DAYS!!
May not seem like much to you, but a month ago I couldn't imagine ONE day without a smoke, let alone ten!
If you, or anyone you know is a die-hard smoker and wants to quit, I could rant all day about how great this Chantix is!
I still have an occasional "craving", but the Chantix totally takes the edge off and the craving disappears within a minute or two...so far, it's been amazingly painless.
Here's the kicker, I have been stuffing the $$ I would have spent weekly on cigarettes into a piggy bank earmarked "South Point 2010".
If I stay on track, I will have over $2000 of "extra fun money" to spend at the convention - - and no smokers' cough!
I'm determined - I WILL beat the smokey demon!
BTW, as a treat, I bought myself my first laptop!
I went to my local Walmart and bought a Compaq Presario (HP) CQ60-419WM laptop with 3 GB of memory, built in wifi connect, etc.
I love it!... The ease of use (even all the users manuals are internally loaded, no more lost books). The sound and the graphics on the 15.6 inch screen are amazing!
The best part is I only paid less than $300 total for it (at Walmart). Amazon shows it for $388 + shipping.
If you're thinking of getting a "back to school" laptop, you might want to check into this one.
Tammy "I don't smell like an ashtray anymore" Lynch