John; I've been collecting chips for a long, long, time now. In all those years, with one or two possible exceptions, I don't think that I have requested a chip ID or information that had to be gotten from somebody's mold records. So I guess that does not make me a worthy member of the club.. as I'll admit that I don't thirst for the same knowledge that others seem to be obsessed with. I've been helpful to some people on a few occassions, who asked about a particular chip ID that was suspected as being from New Jersey ... and I enjoyed the research in doing the local Libraries and Historical Societies .... but it cost me NOTHING, but some old fashioned leg work.
$10,000 is a lot of dues money to pay someone for records on hub molds. $5 per ID is not a lot of money to ask individuals to pony up to pay someone else who has the records available to do the research . Personally, I can't see a Club Historian devoting so much time to every John, Gene, and Mary's questions about molds information they may have access to for no fee, or a very minor one. I realize that there are very dedicated people in this hobby. But one of the things that burns people out are the unreasonable demands that are put upon their time. There has to be a charge for someone who insists (demands) knowing (obtaining)this information.... especially if it is going to be a club service, should the club officers approve this purchase. Otherwise the person in charge of these records will be forever looking up daily requests for information on wild-goose chases for every unknown chip with initials on them. Even as dedicated as Michael Knapp is, he does not have the time to research all the UFC's that are submitted to him for identification and he had to cut back his quarterly report in the club magazine.
I know that we don't see eye to eye about this venture, John. Everyone reading this thread knows by now that you and I stand at opposite poles on this subject. I don't believe that my position is standing in the way of the club's progress for the future, as it has been stated.... so I'll give my side a rest. I sure would like to see more folks express their candid views on the matter.