Final value fees: Auction listings
Final value fee
Item not sold
No Fee
$0.01 - $25.00**
8.75% of the closing value
$25.01- $1,000.00
8.75% of the initial $25.00 ($2.19), plus 3.50% of the remaining closing value balance($25.01 - $1,000.00)
Equal to or Over $1000.01
8.75% of the initial $25.00 ($2.19), plus 3.50% of the initial $25.01 - $1,000.00 ($34.12), plus 1.50% of the remaining closing value balance($1000.01 - closing value)
Listing fee: between 10 cents and $2, depending on starting price for items between 1 cent and $199.99
$142 item:
final value fee would be $6.29
$184 item:
total final value fees are $14.05
Even if you listed them at a high starting price, the total combined fees (2 insertions + 2 finals) would be $18.05
So to answer your question, the math doesn't work out.
If you are adding PayPal's fees, then it might work out. If you are dissatisfied with the fees, my suggestion would be to sell elsewhere to avoid eBay fees (as may people are doing these days, on other auction sites or through Craigslist or their local newspaper), and set up a credit card account with your bank to avoid PayPal fees. Banks will charge you more, though.
My question is this: were you unaware that eBay and PayPal charge fees, and that the fees are based on a percentage of the sales price (for eBay) or a percentage of the amount put on a credit card (the PayPal fee)? I have reduced my selling on eBay because of the increase in fees, but when I do sell that way they don't take me by surprise.