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The Chip Board Archive 19

Re: My reply to you Steve.

Hi Steve,
No fireworks........just good conversation without throwing stones at each other. grin The entire write up evolved around my opinion concerning a "decision" that was made that I did not agree with. Nothing more, nothing less. I voiced my opinion about that "decision". Everyone else can also voice their opinion.

You said: "When you saw someone in need, what did you do to help them out?" I would have offered to pay for the security coverage so that dealer and the other dealers could have unloaded at the backdoor instead of coming through the casino. It was requested at the time I leave the incident alone which I did.

You said: "I would suggest that that the ACE pledge does not end when the convention ends but let's have it last until the next convention"! I didn't take the ACE pledge. I do not believe in giving my right to say anything I wish away. Just my personal belief on the matter.

You said: "What more are you going to do to get involved and help out for Convention '10? Maybe you could be the Dealer Advisor to the convention chair?" I do a great deal for the club behind the scenes involving taxes and answering questions any of our officers may have concerning our 501(c)(3)status. It is not a contest to see who can do more. All club members do what they can where they can. I do not judge any one's "giving" of time, money or physical labor. Consequently, I do not care for others to judge what I do. What I do is my business and I do not say that with any malice towards your question. I just get sick and tired when an individual voices his/her opinion about a club topic and are immediately asked........What do you do for the club? Like their question doesn't mean any thing unless they are a visible volunteer.

You said: "To paraphrase Bedo, "we live and learn" and next year will hopefully be better or at least certianly different. If you're so concnerned about next year's convention, then, now's the time to sign up and get involved"
Steve, please see my response to your above question. I'm always involved and am willing to give, where I can, of my time and effort without charge. Please see President Steffner's response to my post on the club board. The problem has already been resolved.

Finally, I still work. I am a self employed CPA. Often, I am away from the two chip boards for weeks. It's just the way it is. I will always try to answer a post directed to me when it is written in a professional manner like your post is. You may not agree with my answers but I will always give you an answer if I can. When a post is written with a personal attack or criticism that goes to my individuality and not the topic under discussion, I just consider the source and ignore it.

Messages In This Thread

"Rules are Rules"-Comment #1
Re: "Rules are Rules"-Comment #1
Re: "Rules are Rules"-Comment #1
Re: "Rules are Rules"-Comment #1
Re: "Rules are Rules"-Comment #1
Re: "Rules are Rules"-Comment #1
Re: "Rules are Rules"-Comment #1
Re: "Rules are Rules"-Comment #1
Re: "Rules are Rules"-Comment #1
Re: "Rules are Rules"-Comment #1
Re: "Rules are Rules"-Comment #1
Re: I have to Agree..
Re: I have to disagree..
"Party Line...."?
grin Hi Archie, see what happens when the
Yep ... I got it Steve ...
Re: "Rules are Rules"-Comment #1
Re: "Rules are Rules"-Comment #1
How are we "destroying our dealer base" Jimbo?
Re: How are we "destroying our dealer base" Jimbo?
Re: How are we "destroying our dealer base" Jimbo?
Re: My reply to you Steve.
Re: My reply to you Steve.
Re: My reply to you Steve.
Re: "Rules are Rules"-Comment #1
Re: "Rules are Rules"-Comment #1
Re: "Rules are Rules"-Comment #1
Re: "Rules are Rules"-Comment #1
Re: "Rules are Rules"-Comment #1
I was a late arrival........
Re: "Rules are Rules"-Comment #1
With each change of venue, there are things we...
Re: With each change of venue, there are things we
Nicely stated, Steve-O
A suggestion Steve ...
grin Nice plaque, Mr. Black...
Thank YOU Mr. Bedo and the BOD!
Re: James

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